Had the best camping night ever! 1/8 of a mile walking distance from the beach and what a great facility. Private single showers, clean, and once again, we met the nicest people. Took a walk first thing down to the beach to see if we could see any Sea Lions. Disappointed but it was a nice walk, and we had the beach to ourselves. Watches Sea Gulls taking baths in the fresh water stream dumping into the ocean, took a few pics (well I did, Kevin pulled a "Kevin" and forgot to put his card back in his camera). I knew I wouldn't be able to make coffee in the morning so bought a bottle of "Coffee Brew". I DO NOT recommend this stuff! I thought I could muster it, but after 3 brave swigs I threw it away. Nasty stuff!
We went back to our campsite, picked a few more Huckleberries, watched a pair of the Chickaree Squirrels chase each other around a tree, almost had one run over my foot, and then broke down camp. The lady camped next to us in a very fine camper commented that they were "fascinated" with watching us break things down and load up the bikes.
Met a lot of nice dogs at this campsite also. I can say that the people out in this area do love their dogs and seem to take them everywhere with them. My favorite dog for the day was Belle, a tri-colored Pembroke Welsh Corgi, close second was Andy, a poodle mix that would fall over and play dead when his owner would say "You lookin' at me? BANG!" Over Andy would fall, wanting his belly rubbed.
We finally made it on the bikes and down the road, didn't make it far without having to stop and take photos. We only got in 223 miles today, sad, but we have photos to prove we were being productive while we stopped.
We followed Pacific Coast Scenic Byway 101 the whole way. Had almost 100 miles of it to be a disappointment as it went inland and was no where near the coast.
Stopped at Port Hole Cafe for dinner and were able to watch Sea Lions playing in the bay, Loons diving for their dinner, and lots of Osprey swooping down and catching their dinners also. Kevin was a little skeptical about eating there as there were no cars in the parking lot, but by the time we left they were in a wait, and we both enjoyed our dinners. While at the cafe Kevin called several campgrounds only to find out they were all booked. Motel it is we said.
Made it another hour or so south before it got dark and found a great motel in the Port of Brookings Harbor. This isn't an ordinary hotel room, it's an apartment with full kitchen and full sized appliances. It's got a separate living room, complete with a "bark-a-lounger" and two TV's, the one in the dining room hooked up to Netflix (which neither of us knows how to work and have never used).
Tomorrow we plan to hit the Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park - which we were told were as spectacular as the touristy area of the Redwoods, minus all the people - that's us! We aren't going to have time to go to
Yosemite (probably a good thing with the wildfire but Kevin still has a pouty face). We are going to hit Zion instead while en route to home. Mixed feelings about thinking about returning home - I miss my "kids" but have LOVED the freedom of going wherever we wanted whenever we wanted with no cares and no agendas!! I guess I could check my lottery tickets I played before we left......
Until tomorrow, when my honey and I set out for another day's adventure!
Video of the terrorist squirrels (and by the way I have learned how to make my videos public now so apologies for the past couple of videos (Bearthooth Pass) which I realized were Private - thanks JP!
I also uploaded videos and pics taken from our Polaroid helmet cam.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwQeLbmR-54 (terrorist squirrels)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUHbwkCPSAg (Kevin's mention of the waves and the rocks)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrLv4JOV72o (Pacific Highway 101)
Made it to Pacific Coast! |
Taking baths |
Belle the Pembroke Corgi |
Beverly Beach |
Stellar Jay |
Terrorist #1 |
Two Terrorists |
Wild Hairdo! |
Yaquina Head Lighthouse |
Yaquina Head |
Yaquina Head |
Yaquina Head |
Harbor Seal! |
Add caption |
Kevin and his new friend who would not take no for an answer! |
Osprey with fish - sorry about the horrible quality - he was WAY up in the air! |
Oh man, you guys are in my old stomping grounds! Chico is not far from Beale AFB, that area holds a lot of good memories for me. As you know, Jon and Cat were born there, Jon on Beale and Cat in Yuba City. You guys are in for some more good riding crossing the Sierra Nevada mountains. Love all the pics, esp. the light houses. Kevin makes new friends everywhere!